Following Up

Jonathan Webb
2 min readNov 15, 2021

It is a new week as I sit here on Monday morning. I also can look at the calendar and see that we only have 40-something days left in 2021. If you are like me you start to look ahead a little bit, especially with the holiday season coming up.

How much can I really get done before the end of the year? That is a question I usually start asking myself most years as the calendar gets smaller. Why do I do this? Do you do this as well? And, are there ways to push through these thoughts and finish the year strong?

What if we just stopped looking at the calendar? I mean, do I breath any differently on January 1st than I do on December 31st? Is there some magic that keeps me from running on December 31st? But, it releases me to run on January 1st? Do you see where I’m going with this?

Now, there is nothing wrong with setting new goals as the calendar turns and for some it is a fantastic motivator and a way to really start the new year off on the right foot. My point in this story is to simply say…why are we waiting for January 1st? Here’s a new challenge I’m going to start for myself this week and I invite you to join me. Now, before you join just know that it is really complicated and difficult. Like, it might be the most challenging thing you’ve done in your life. Don’t worry though, there’s no formal sign-up or link to anything…just a virtual handshake that we’re on this road together. Ready — here’s the challenge:

We’re not waiting until January 1st. We’re starting right now, wherever you are and whatever you are working on. Today, right now. One of my main goals is to get in better shape and improve on some fitness measurements. So, I’m going to workout today. One of the other things I am working on is a book I’m writing. So, I’m going to write today. That’s it! That’s how easy the challenge is!

What are those things for you? As I mentioned in my last story (check it out if you haven’t yet — making a list has been very helpful to me. That list is what I am working on and working through.

Today, as I work out and write I’m not going to think about January 1st. I’m going to be in the moment, in the present, and push toward my goals and the items on my list. That’s the challenge for myself and the challenge that I’m throwing your way today. Simple and easy. November 15th (or whatever day you read this) is the day to go!

